First Man Makes A Soft Landing

Good day my friends! Hope you are all doing well today! Usually I post these things on Wednesday but I had some stuff come up the other day and was a little busy so I figured what's one more day to wait! As long as I still get my review up than all is fine. But that is just the way life is. You don't get exactly what you hoped for, but you do get what you need. It's like that Rolling Stones song "You Can't Always Get What You Want" And just because things don't go to plan like you hoped doesn't mean things won't get better and that something really great will come along if you just believe and work hard. There I go rambling off again on a tangent as per usual! You came here for my review so I better give you one. This week we look at the biographical/ drama First Man which stars fellow Canadian Ryan Gosling( La La Land) as Neil Armstrong and Claire Foy(The Crown) as Janet Armstrong, Jason Clarke(Everest) as Ed White, Kyle Chandler(Argo) as Deke Slayton and Cory Stoll( Ant-Man) as Buzz Aldrin. Let's start the countdown and see just how big screen mission was!

The year is 1961 and engineer/pilot Neil Armstrong is working out in California for NASA. After a slight mishap testing a plane he is grounded by his superiors. But this is nothing compared to what is going on in his home life. Neil and his wife Janet are going through what no parent should have to as their baby daughter is going through treatments for a brain tumour which turns out to be fatal. After some time Neil god snack to work and not happy with riding a desk he applies to become an astronaut in the Gemini space program and gets selected moving his family to Houston. The movie documents his journey from the instrumental years leading up to his famous moon landing and becoming the first man to walk on the moon. From the doubt of the American public on the costs for the space program, to the loss of some of his fellow astronauts and the stress it put his family under as  Neil's main focus was to succeed in landing on the moon and coming back during one of the most dangerous missions in the history of space travel.

So I know it might not eve much to go on for a synopsis but it still does give you the gist of it! Now for the fun part and that is telling you what i personally thought of the movie. For me personally, I usually am intrigue by biographical/drama type movies. In Fact they are some of my favourites to watch! This one was intriguing to see when I first saw the trailers. The movie was pretty decent for the most part I would have to say. But not overly fantastic in the grand scheme of other movies in this genre. There were some strong performances here with Claire Foy putting in the strongest. But it just seemed to me that Ryan Gosling was a little flat in his performance. I'm not saying that he was bad ! Just that he seemed a little monotone and morose. Now if that was what he was going for than he did a great job. But I just felt he could have put a little more feeling in. The movie while interesting and decent did seem to drag a bit in parts making it seem longer than it was which had me looking at my watch a few times. But aside from that the story was okay and it gave some pretty good insight into the life of Neil Armstrong and vents that led up to the moon landing. That is why I am giving this movie a 7.3 on The Justin Scale Of Movies which earns it a spot on my Pick-It List of movies to see at the theatre. There you have it my friends another review in the books and time to call it a wrap here  util next week. But until than remember to keep that popcorn freshly popped and to save me a good seat because I will see you again at the movies.
