I Saw It In The Post

Good day to you my friends! Hope you are all having a great Friday! Yes lets all stand up and cheer for the weekend! Sorry I got a little excited about it being the weekend. You know what one of my favourite things to do on the weekend is? That's right! You guessed it, it's go to the movies. And right now in the theatres there is a lot to choose from to go and see. And most of those movies I have seen and reviewed for you here so I guess if there was something you wanted to see and I reviewed it you could check my review to see if it was good before you went to it or not. I don't always read the reviews movies are given when I go and see them so thatI could form my own opinion on them. And sometimes I agree with my fellow reviewers and sometimes I don't! But that's just the thing we are all only telling the truth and not trying to sugar coat things and tell lies. Plus here is another truth, the second review I promised you yesterday. I told you I would give you a second one and here it is. Today we are going to be reviewing the historical/biographical drama The Post which is directed by Academy Award winning legendary director Steven Spielberg(Schindlers List) and stars Hollywood heavy weights and multiple academy award winners and nominees Meryl Streep(The Iron Lady) as Kay Graham and Tom Hanks(Forrest Gump) as Ben Bradlee. So let's get comfortable and I will give you a brief synopsis of what this movie is all about.

The year is 1971 and the Vietnam War is still going on. The government has Daniel Ellsberg of The Rand Corporation hired as the military analyst. He soon discovers the depths that the US government has gone to, to rationalize the involvement in the Vietnam War. Disgusted by this he takes action and and copies top secret documents from the past four U.S. Presidents about American involvement in Vietnam which would become the Pentagon Papers. At the Washington Post Kay Graham (Streep) is adjusting to her role as the papers first female publisher after the death of her husband. She is also on the verge of taking the company public to generate more revenue for the newspaper that her father started often being criticized by the board members for her decision. Editor for the Washington Post Ben Bradlee(Hanks) learns that the New York Times with an explosive expose' on those stolen papers. Searching for for a way to get in on this and publish a story they get a break when some papers are delivered to them anonymously but are once again beat to the punch by the New York Times. All of this comes to the attention of the White House who has put a Federal restraining order on the Times from publishing any further documents in an attempt to silence them from telling the truth. But when Washington post reporters find Ellsberg himself he gives them the complete copy of those papers putting them back in the game! With the papers in hand Ben and his reporters work tirelessly to find stories to publish, but he is and his co-workers are determined to find something but are also at odds with the board of directors of The Post and the company lawyer not wanting the paper to get fined for contempt. It all comes down to kay to decide to back down, let it go,play it safe not to anger her investors and keep the paper safe or publish and fight for the Freedom Of The Press. She chooses to publish and her and the staff at The Washington Post join a fight to save America's democratic ideals and not allow censorship!

Well? What do think about it so far from what I tad you my friends? Sounds good right? Well if you are saying yes, than you are agreeing with me and many other reviewers out there! This mvid was both well written and directed with only the type of movie that Spielberg can give you. It started out a bit slow but quickly picked up and didn't lose a beat keeping your interest throughout the entire movie. A true classic on the basic ideals of freedom of speech and of the press when a government first tried to censor it in court. In a time when we are all hearing the common phrase of fake news these days about credible news sources, this movie really strikes a chord about this basic freedom we should all not take for granted. Spielberg also did well in casting Hollywood legends and Academy Award winners Meryl Streep and Ton Hanks in this movie as they both put in phenomenal performances. I personally loved the evolution of Streep's character from quiet and unsure of her role as publisher even being told what to do and criticized openly while taking it with grace and class to standing up for what is right and to her board members that criticized her with the possibility of losing everything in the fight against the government. This movie had great characters and took us back to a time before social media when the people got there news from these trusted news papers and not the internet. It also makes us think not to take what we have for granted in all this information at our fingertips. You could really feel the thrill and adrenaline of the big story tat reporters felt when they got one and the fear they felt when their freedom to tell the truth was put in jeopardy! That is why I am putting The Post on my Pick-It List of movies to see at the theatre and giving it a 7.7 on the Justin Scale of Movies. I can see it nominated for few Oscars this year along with quite a few exceptional movies that I have already seen. One thing I know for sue is that it is going tone tough to pick some winners at this years Oscars with all the strong contenders out there. So I guess that is a wrap on this latest movie review. Until next time keep that popcorn freshly popped and save me a good seat because I will be seeing you next time at the movies!
