Young Henry Turner has been wanting since he was a child to try and free his father Will(Orlando Bloom) from the curse of being Captain of the Flying Dutchman. Having searched every legend he knows, he discovers that the only thing that could break every curse on the sea would be the legendary Poseidon's trident. Which every pirate and sailor has heard about and some have searched for and never found as it could only be found by the map no man can read. But as it turns out there is a person who can read it, a young woman named Carina Smyth who happens to be and astronomer but who people believe to be a witch. So with the help of Carina and Jack who Henry believes can help as well they set out to find the trident. What they don't count on is the undead sea Captain Salazar and his crew of the undead who Henry had met in the devils triangle after he destroyed the ship he was on. Salazar has escaped from the triangle and is on a mission to kill every pirate on the sea especially Jack Sparrow who is to blame for him being the way he is. With a ship of the undead chasing them they search for the trident in hopes of finding it and breaking the curse to stop the undead and save henry's father.
The movie sounds interesting doesn't it? Well I would have to say it the story was pretty interesting for the most part. It had a good plot and brought back some interesting characters from the original trilogy and some new one. The new addition of the new characters was good adding some new life to this franchise which kind of seemed to lose something in the sequels after the hugely successful original. There was lots of action and even a surprise in the movie. But it did seem that Johnny Depp has lost something in his Captain Jack role, don't know what it is but I just didn't find him that funny anymore. Maybe it is because we have seen it all so many times without a fresh new element added to the character. But than again he is the one that made the movie hugely popular. The humour was fine but it just seemed again like the same stuff we have seen before. But for the most part I did enjoy it so it wasn't all that bad but I just couldn't give it too bad of a grade but not a great one. For this movie I am giving it a 6.5 on the Justin Scale Of Movies which just puts it on the bubble of theatre viewing and will have to make this a flick-it movie. If you are a fan of the franchise you might want to see it and could feel differently about it than I did but I feel you could wait till it comes out on dvd to see. Well that is a wrap here for this latest movie review! Until next week keep that popcorn freshly popped and I will see you at the movies my friends.
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