Good day my friends, I hope you all are doing good wherever in the world you may be reading this blog post/movie review. It is strange you know I was thinking the other day about where I was going with all this and how much time and effort I had put into this blog site when I first started it. And as I look back I see just how excited I first was about it and how much content I put into it.And then I started to feel overwhelmed about all this and would take breaks to re-charge my batteries and start fresh. Hey I even cut quite a few of the things out that I used to post as content here and just to stick mainly with movie reviews. And then I took a big long break to contemplate if I wanted to continue doing this and if anyone was really reading what I was writing here. But it took some soul searching and advice from some really good friends to make me stay doing this. To come to the realization that the reason I do this is give anyone who reads this advice on what a really good movie is to see or not to see. because to me a great movie is something you'll love, want to watch over and over again. It will touch your heart & soul, make you laugh and make you cry. But most of all it is like an old friend that cheers you up and makes you forget all the worries of the world and point you in the right direction when you get lost or are unsure of yourself. A good movie has most of these things but a great one has them all!
Well in case you are wondering, yes there is a movie review here tonight and not just me rambling on about my inner thoughts. You see tonight I am reviewing the movie The Intern which stars screen legend and Academy award winner Robert DeNiro (The Godfather Pt2, Goodfellas,Meet The Parents) as Ben Whittaker and Academy award winner Anne Hathaway (Les Miserables, The Devil Wears Prada, The Dark Knight Rises) as Jules Ostin.
Ben Whittaker(DeNiro) is 70 years old, widowed, retired and is in need of something to do in his life after he find that retirement isn't what he thought it would be. He applies and gets an internship for seniors at a online fashion site that is run and founded by Jules Ostin(Hathaway) to which Ben is assigned to be her intern. Ben doesn't take long making a good impression on the other interns and making friends around the office. But Jules feels she doesn't need an intern to help her. Slowly but surely Ben impresses Jules and wins her over with his sound advice and kind nature resulting in the two becoming best friends.Now my friends when I first saw the preview to this I thought okay it looks like it might be worth seeing and was a little on the fence. But after seeing it I can tell you it was what I classified above as a great movie.This movie had heart and humour mixed in with a great cast and wonderfully written and directed story. The story was enjoyable it made you laugh, smile and even cry a bit. But at most it was quite heart warming , areal feel good movie I would say. Robert DeNiro and Anne Hathaway worked well together and they were both charming and sincere very believable in their roles. This is the kind of movie that everyone would enjoy and that is why I am giving it a 7.7 on The Justin Scale Of Movies and making it the latest addition to my Pick-It pile of movies to see in the theatre. You can trust me on this you won't be disappointed, in fact you will walk out of the theatre feeling like you just had the best time with a good friend! So that is a wrap here for me folks so remember if you like my reviews please share them with others you might think would like them as well. And as always Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and as always Good Viewing. I will see you all again at the movies.
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