This movie takes us from the 1950's when a break-in at Professor Alan Turing's home raises a bit of suspicion from the police. We are than transported back into the early 40's and WW2 with the Nazi's having taken over most of western Europe and their air raids on Great Britain. The only hope for the Allies is try and crack the Nazi communication codes for the machine known as Enigma and get the advantage they need to end the war. Enter Alan Turing(Cumberbatch) a math genius who instead of trying to decipher the code himself, he builds a code breaking machine to brake all the codes. So at Bletchley Park Turing and a brilliant team of code breakers work at Britain's top secret Government Code and Cypher School to build this race against time and build this machine to help end the war. But this movie is more than just about this great accomplishment by Alan Turing, it is also about Turing himself about his genius and his secret about being a homosexual which was a criminal offence at that time in Great Britain.
Now I must say that this movie was really well done and while it has been out for five weeks but in limited release at first and now in more theatres, it is a shame that it wasn't released in full earlier. I found the story intriguing and heartbreaking too! A beautifully written, directed and acted movie from beginning to end. Benedict Cumberbatch gave I must say a beautifully, outstanding performance and should win a few awards here with this movie. As well did Keira Knightley who was fantastic in her role of Joan Clarke. I love how the movie was more than just about the creation of Turing's machine but more about Turing himself. About his intelligence, his contributions, his difficulty with others and the secrets he was forced to hide about himself being a homosexual as it was illegal to be one in Great Britain at that time. I really have nothing bad to say about this movie it was a wonderfully crafted motion picture. And I am giving it a 8.6 on The Justin Scale Of Movies and putting it on my Pick-It pile of movies to see at the theatre. In fact I fully recommend that you see this movie at the theatre! It will make you think, laugh, entertain and really give you a great movie going experience. So that's a wrap here on my end friends! Until next time Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and as always Good Viewing! I will see you all against the movies.
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