Louis Bloom(Gyllenhaal) is an unemployed, ambitious man looking for a job but who is also a thief as well. He is a little odd but very driven. While seeing a gorilla camera crew who shoots crime scenes and accidents he is inspired to enter the world of L.A crime journalism. With each video footage he sells he gets more and more ambitious to bring the best footage possible and blurs the lines of observer and participant to become the star of his own story. And in his quest to become the best he is aided by Nina(Russo), a TV news veteran whom he sells his footage to exclusively.
Well that does sound like quite the interesting movie doesn't it? But let me state the positives first here on this movie. I thought Jake Gyllenhaal's character was really kind of creepy and he he did an okay job in his performance. The plot line about these crime scene videographers known as nightcrawlers was a great idea and the lengths this particular one went to was good as well. And on the down side while the plot was good the movie did seem to drag in a few spots. While Jake Gyllenhaal was pretty good in his role, it was not one of the of the strongest I have seen of his. Frankly it was an okay movie, it had some good scenes, decent tension and okay characters. I just felt it didn't have enough to grab my attention! Don't get me wrong it was somewhat entertaining but I would have to give it a 6.4 on The Justin Scale Of Movies. And put it on the Flick-It pile of movies to see on dvd rather than spend the money on it at the theater. So there you have it my friends another movie review in the books! Thats a wrap for here for me on my end. Until next time Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and as always Good Viewing. I will see you all next time at the movies. :)
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