December's Movie Moment Shows Us That It's A Wonderful Life

This month's movie moment is quite possibly the most remembered and well known movie ending. You see this month I have chosen the ending to the Frank Capra classic It's A Wonderful Life starring Jimmy Stewart. This movie I think a lot of us could relate to as how many of us have sacrificed so much of ourselves thinking that we didn't accomplish anything we wanted to or haven't made a difference. How many of us at times have wondered or wished that we had never had been born because things never turned out the way we hoped. Well that is the lesson that George Bailey( Stewart) learned from his guardian angel Clarence. You see after seeing that he did make a difference in the lives of people around him with all that he did and knowing what he has is more important. George accepts that his life is wonderful after all. This template has been used in tv shows and a few other movies to remind us all that we do have great lives that make a difference.
