What A Rush!

Good day my friends and loyal readers! Well another week has arrived and not only is it a new week it is a new month. And seeing as October has arrived  what better way to kick it off than to give you a fresh new movie review. This weeks movie review has a need for speed my friends, it takes us to a different time and it gives us a story of true competitiveness. You see this week we are taking a look at the new film from acclaimed director Ron Howard( Cocoon). A film called Rush and boy oh boy the title suits the movie perfectly if I must say so. But wait I am getting ahead of myself here and telling you way to much, way to early. This film stars Chris Hemsworth( Thor) as British Formula 1 race car driver James Hunt and Daniel Bruhl( The Fifth Estate) as Austrian Formula 1 driver Niki Lauda. Well the engines are revving up but most importantly the movie is about to start my friend so lets go and take a look at this sports biopic and see if it fires on all cylinders!

The year is 1974 and young handsome Formula 3 driver James Hunt( Hemsworth) has a quite the reputation on the track as a good driver and wants desperately to make it the big time and race in Formula 1. But he also has quite the reputation off the track as well as someone who likes to have a lot of fun and is well known for having a way with the ladies. Niki Lauda( Bruhl) is also a Formula 3 driver who eats , sleeps and breathes race car driving and yearns to be the best at it in the prestigious Formula 1 division. But he is also known for not being well liked at times, someone who is at the other end of the spectrum when it comes to his personal life compared to Hunt. But what the two do share is their love of driving but while Niki is more intellectual driver, Hunt is a more just go for it, live for the moment kind of driver. This is where the two first meet in a race that would start one of the greatest rivalries in sports history. You see Niki eventually gets to Formula 1 by buying his way onto a team and with his advanced knowledge of cars totally redesigns a car giving it more horsepower essentially making it faster. Hunt learning of this desperately wants to get there as well starts his own team. Niki wins the championship in 1975 while racing for Ferrari who noticed his talent and signed him. James needing some sponsorship for team does not find it and has to fold his team but eventually finds a team to race for in Maclaren. So with the 1976 race season on Hunt and Lauda's rivalry intensifies as the two battle it out for the points championship. But what this rivalry is best known for comes out of tragedy as  in a race in Germany Niki's fuel line breaks and he crashes causing the car to catch on fire trapping him in the intense heat. Badly burned and almost near death Niki watches from his hospital bed recovering from his injuries James winning race after race closing in the championship. This fuels Niki to fight to come back sooner than possible and after close to 50 days he makes his return to compete. Leading to the last race of the season to decide who will be champion and what it takes to be a true one!

Well the film is almost over so I guess we better speed along here and tell you what I thought of this movie. Well first of all I thought that this movie was very well written and directed, Ron Howard gives us a great movie as he usually does not leaving us disappointed giving us some great action scenes, the feel and look of the 1970's all the while telling us the story of these two great rivals. The acting was good as well with Hemsworth giving us a good portrayal of the young cocky Hunt and Bruhl giving us the intelligent and seemingly emotionless Lauda. But giving us a great portrayal of their rivalry none the less and how they were fuelled by each other to be the best by wanting to beat each other on the race track. All in all a really good movie from start to finish if I do say so myself.

So the movie is just ending so I guess I better give you my final rating on the movie Rush. So taking what i saw last night on the movie screen and after what I wrote here I have come to this conclusion. The conclusion that I have come to is that I going to be giving this particular movie a 8.5 on the Justin Scale of movies. So with that all said and done I guess you probably guessed it and your right I am most definitely making this movie one of my Pick -It movies to see in the theatre. Trust me go see this movie if you were thinking about seeing it and weren't sure it is that good of a movie.

With that all said and done I guess we should clear out of the theatre my friends as the lights are now up and people are starting to make their way out of the theatre. So it is time now than to call it a wrap on this weeks movie review as the curtain comes down. as always my friends Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and as always Good Viewing I will see you all again at the movies

