For This Month's Movie Moment We Go Trick Or Treating On Halloween

In this scene Laurie Strode(Jaime Lee Curtis) has just stabbed escaped mental patient Michael Myers. Thinking he is dead she tells the children she was baby-sitting that were hiding from Michael to go down the street to a neighbours house and call the police. Little does Laurie know that Michael is still alive and he attempts to kill her. Michaels psychiatrist Dr. Loomis( Donald Pleasance) who has been looking for him sees the two children running from the house screaming. He enters the house just in time to save Laurie and shoot Michael 6 times. After checking to see if Laurie is alright Dr. Loomis looks out  the balcony window that Michael had fallen out of after he shot him, only to see that Michaels body is not lying on the front lawn and that the killer is still alive and on the loose.
