Are You Prepared For World War Z

Good day my friends and welcome back to your regularly scheduled movie review! This week we are doing our first official review of summer seeing as that summer officially began on June 21st. But for those in movie land summer movie season begins in May. Now I know you are wondering what movie review have you got for us this week Justin? Well the answer to that question my friends can only be answered from reading this entire review in full. See you also need to know everything about this movie possible from its plot, my thoughts on it and what I rate it to see if it is a Pick Or Flick. So what do you say lets find out now exactly what movie we are going to be looking at. Well this week we are getting all prepared for the zombie apocalypse because we are going to be reviewing World War Z which is based on the book of the same name and Stars Brad Pitt( Seven) as Gerry Lane. So what do you say let us go and see what's going on with the zombie apocalypse and if Brad Pitt can save us from it.

A mysterious illness has broken out in the world and marshall law has been declared but for Gerry Lane ( Pitt) a former UN investigator and his family they have no idea just yet how dangerous this virus is. Than in an instant while in a traffic jam they find out just how dangerous the virus is, as Gerry witnesses how quickly a person who is infected turns into something not human.Making their way out of Philadelphia Gerry is contacted by his former boss fro the UN who needs his help and arranges to have Gerry and his family picked up by helicopter and a set rendezvous point. Not being able to get to the set rendezvous point an alternative spot is chosen with Gerry and his family having to survive the night until their ride arrives. Having made it through the night and narrowly survived being rescued Gerry and his family are taken to a safe location aboard a aircraft carrier where Gerry is told that this virus is global and spreading fast. But what's even more strange is that there was report from a army base in South Korea that said that the infected were zombie's. Gerry is asked to escort a virologist to South Korea to investigate this report  to try to find  a clue as how to stop the virus from spreading and try to find a cure. With the virologist being killed it is up to Gerry to try and find some sort of clues as to where the virus started . So Gerry must go from place to place tracking clues narrowly surviving zombie attacks in an attempt to try and find some sort of salvation before the whole of humanity is lost.

Well that sounds like it is pretty exciting and interesting well lets see what's what with this movie before my popcorn is finished. Now for all you zombie loving Walking Dead fans if you are going to this movie expecting to see lots of gory flesh eating zombie scenes in this movie well you are wrong this movie is more like an investigation with some zombies thrown into the mix as the mystery to solve.This movie had action, excitement and a few scares thrown into it. The movie could be a bit weak at parts but did carry itself well and was a pretty decent movie with some decent acting done in it. I found the story interesting with a few lulls in it. One of the things it could have done without is that I thought this movie didn't need to be in 3D I think it would have worked fine in regular 2D.

Well that was some pretty short and sweet thought s on this movie don't you think? Well that is because I don't want to bore you with to much overkill on what was right or what was wrong I just want  to give you the basics here. And now I will give you the most important part here and that is my rating on this movie. So I have decided that after seeing this movie and thinking long and hard about what i should give this movie for a rating and ultimately came to this final conclusion and that is this. I am giving World War Z a 7.3 on The Justin Scale of movies which puts it in the Pick It category . This is a movie worth your entertainment dollars and is pretty decent time at the movies if I do say so myself.

So there you have it my friends we have come to the end of another movie review and the end of my popcorn bag too. I guess that means that it is time to call it a wrap here and get out of the theatre  before the cleanup crew comes in here. as always my friends Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and as aways Good Viewing I will see you all again at the movies. :)


  1. Always good to be the first, nice review buddy, still gunna call and get the skinny on it though.


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