After losing the to the NewYork Yankees in the American League Championship series Oakland A's General Manager Billy Beane ( Pitt) is faced with the task of trying to resign three of his biggest names on the team. But the Oakland A's are a small market team and do not have the funds available to re-sign the free agents Giambi , Damon and Isringhausen so they all leave signing big contracts with richer teams . This leaves Billy now with the problem of rebuilding his team and finding players in the right price range for the budget he has to work with. While on his search to find players for his team he meets Peter Brandt ( Hill) a young Yale educated economist in Cleveland while talking to the GM of The Cleveland Indians who catches his attention during a meeting. Brandt is a student of Bill James a man who wrote a book on baseball stats using math to determine how good a players are. Billy is so blown away by Peters idea that Oakland's goal should not be to buy players but to buy runs that he hires him way from Cleveland and makes him the new assistant GM. Having a new team model to build from Billy is met with huge opposition and criticism from the old guard in baseball , the fans , the media and even his own team manager. With all this criticism Billy develops his small budget team into a success and forever changes the way the game is played .
After a back and forth game game full of excitement we are tied here in the bottom of the 9th and have the last at bat so let us see what is going to happen. This movie I have to say was great from start to finish and it had a great story, even if you didn't like baseball you would end up loving this movie. The acting was really well done especially by Brad Pitt who was awesome in this role and pardon the expression hit a home run as Oakland A's General Manager Billy Beane . This is the type of movie that you would want to watch over and over again which is why it is September's dvd pick because what more can I say about it to make my point as to why I picked it other than what I have already stated .
Well it has come down to this , here comes the pitch and it is hammered , it is going , going , going it is GONE ! A home run to to win the ball game and with that it is time to call it a wrap here for this month's dvd pick so as always Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening and as always Good Viewing I will see you all again at the movies.
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