Good day my friends , well it is time again for me to give you my dvd pick of the month and doing some thinking and viewing a lot of movies about what would be perfect for this month it became clear to me what it should be. For the month of August seems to go by so fast as summer is quickly flying by I have decided that this month's pick should be the action/thriller movie Unstoppable. The movie which came out in 2010 was directed by Tony Scott (Man On Fire, Days Of Thunder) and starred Denzel Washington ( Training Day, Crimson Tide) as veteran engineer Frank Barnes, Chris Pine ( Star Trek 2009) as rookie conductor Will Colson and Rosario Dawson (The Rundown) as rail yard supervisor Connie Hooper. Well what do you say we board this month's dvd pick and see if we can help to stop this runaway train.
On a day that would be just like any other day for anyone , getting up & going to work dealing with all the problems that life sends our way two men are about meet . They would happen to be Veteran engineer Frank Barnes ( Washington) a man who has just been given his layoff notice by the railway company he works for in Pennsylvania. Frank is about to go on his last run helping to train rookie conductor Will Colson ( Pine ) a man who is estranged from his wife Darcy at this particular moment. With both men's life seeming like they are coming undone enter fate to help them turn their lives to make it a little more interesting as a unmanned train under power and gaining speed rapidly is barreling down rail lines . This train over a hundred cars in length is also a huge disaster waiting to happen as it carrying several cars of explosive chemicals that will detonate if it is not stopped before it reaches the town of Stanton which has sharp elevated curve that must be taken at a slow speed where huge oil storage tanks happen to sit. With the train gaining speed Frank and Will decide to go after the runaway train in reverse to try and slow it down so that it might be stopped. Aiding in there attempt to runaway train 777 is rail yard supervisor Connie Hooper ( Dawson) who works at the rail yard where the runaway train came from as it was put under power by one of her employees Dewey( Ethan Suplee) who was in a hurry to move it for an incoming train but plain and simply screwed up.With every attempt to stop the train failing and getting strong opposition from the railway corporate offices Frank and Will become the only hope to stop the speeding locomotive before disaster strikes.
Well the train doesn't seem to be slowing down any so let's just hold tight to see if it can be stopped. This movie had a great story and interesting characters it held onto you and didn't let go until the credits were rolling. Denzel Washington was great as he always is and is usually a regular in director Tony Scotts films . There seemed to be a good chemistry between him and co-star Chris Pine which helps in any movie to make it great along with a good script which as i said earlier this movie has. There isn't much more I can say about this movie other than that it is pretty impressive and it's the reason why it is this month's dvd pick.
Well the runaway train has been stopped and here is my rating for this month's dvd pick , so on the Justin Scale the movie Unstoppable is given a 8.0 . Well there you have it my friends another dvd pick of the month is revealed and remember to check back often for my weekly reviews of movies in the theatres . it is time to call it a wrap so as always Good Morning , Good Afternoon, Good Evening and as always Good Viewing i will see you all again at the movies.
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