Night In or Out The Movies is Still The Best For Entertainment

Hello my friends I know it has been a little while I have been away dealing with a personal family issue and now I am back and I am here to give you the reasons why the movies are still great entertainment. All my life I have been a huge fan of the movies , most nights I can be seen at the theatre seeing the latest releases or renting a movie for home viewing heck I even have quite the movie collection so let me tell you that this should put no doubt in anyones mind about my love for movies. Now lately I  have been hearing on-line or in public about how movies are too expensive , fact movies are still cheaper to go to than going to a bar , sporting event or concert. I have also been hearing about how people are always talking during the movie and that is why they don't like to go  , fact people will always talk during a movie I hear it all the time when I go to the theatre but I pay more attention to the movie than to people talking after all the theatres have digital surround sound and it is always louder than the people around you. The last reason I have heard why people don't want to go to the movies anymore is quite possibly is the one that make me a little irritated and that is that there is no original ideas for movies and that it is easier to watch movies on Net -Flix , fact there have been quite a few original movies and yes there have been lot of sequels and remakes but if we didn''t go see them then they wouldn't make a sequel and have any of us tied to write a screen play for a movie it is not that easy if it was everybody would do it. When it comes to staying at home and watching Net-Flix the far is that when Net -Flix has the market cornered on home video watching what's to stop them from raising subscription fees and really what is wrong with leaving the house once in a while because a movie theatre is still a magical place to nowhere anything can happen on the big screen. Now there have been many great and memorable movies over the years that you can watch to name a few Butch Cassidy And the Sundance Kid, Cassablanca , The Godfather, Scarface , Batman Begins, Fight Club , American Beauty , Titanic , Con Air , Aliens , The Bourne Identity , Gran Torino , Gone With The Wind , Breakfast At Tiffany's , Old School, American Pie and countless others because I can go on and on but I would get writers cramp in my hands LOL! There have been so many memorable movie characters from heroes to villains that have made is laugh , cry , smile, scare us , cheer for them or loath them but in the end we will always remember them and how they made us feel and possibly connect with their character when we saw them for the first time on the big screen . The movie theatre is like going to a friends place to see them to hear about what is going on with their lives and listen to their story and lets face it we all love a good story whether it is fiction , fact , sic-fi , fantasy , adventure or romance , s many good stories all in one building stimulates our imagination and reminds us of when we were kids and played pretend it also reminds of us of what was going on in our lives when we saw a particular movie in the theatre . These reasons above about why I love going to the theatre are why I buy a lot of movies and why I continue to go to the theatre  and give you reviews on what I saw in hopes that you can see what I see in the movie and enjoy it as much as I have. So there you have it I hope I have convinced you about why it is still great to go to the movies from the characters to the stories to the memories the movie theatre will always rate a 10 on the Justin Scale and is always going to "Pick -It " When it comes to " Pick-It or Flick- It" . It is time to call this a wrap so as always my friends  Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening and Good Viewing I will see you all again at the movies .
